Tuesday, May 18, 2010

David Murray & Elspeth Harvie-Agnes Gray


What is a "common"? 

A Common is a central area of green fields in a the centre or periphery of a village  where crops would be planted or stock would graze. The area was not owned by any individual but was a communal area for the benefit of those properties surrounding. This land could not be owned by the State etc. Village Greens etc served a similar purpose as well.

Bowden still has it's common today as does ST Boswells and many other areas in UK. Quite detailed history available regarding Commons- If you want more info I shall send it on.

What is a Kirk"?

  A Kirk is the Scottish name for Church.
How do you pronounce the name "Buchan"?
 Byoo can..sometimes Buck ann.
What would Tranquair mean or stand for?  
The name Traquair comes from  tret or tre a word of Celtic origin meaning a dwelling place or hamlet, and from quair meaning a stream with a winding course, = the house situated by the winding stream.

See here: http://www.traquair.co.uk/content/brief-history-traquair-and-family

I guess I could Google it, but growing up in the USA it is hard to get a handle on some of the names.
That's OK Randy, I'm the same with American names.. I shall paste these questions and answers into the blog in case someone else has same questions.
 Cheers Sandie

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Here is the link to the Murray family blog. I can only forward blog notifications to 10 email addresses and I have many more folk than this on my list , so could you forward relevant blog links to any Murray- Morrow kin that you are in contact with in case they would also like to add content.

Please test the blog settings if you have time.
Randy..I have fiddled with the posting/comment settings and you should now see the image verification icon.I had switched that off in order to make posting easier for everyone , however maybe that won't work. Try again to post and see what happens. It will take a short while for comments or posts to appear online though, as they will be forwarded for moderation. I had switched that item off as well however will await your comments as a group prior to reverting to the deadly possibility of s*p*a*m*

Don't forget to click FOLLOW this blog in order to receive all of the updates. Currently only JohnMurray of Jedburgh in the Borders is following the blog. Click the link in the left hand bar : FOLLOW. I would like permission to paste old relevant emails that I have had from each of you regarding your families , into the blog. It will certainly save me a lot of typing and additional work. When you receive verification that I have done that, you will be able to edit etc. Please let me know either way, they can be deleted if you believe they are not suitable.

Don't forget that comments can be made after each and every posting, just click the word COMMENT.
You are also able to add a NEW POSTING of your own...just click the link- NEW POST at the top of the page. 

ie: THOMAS MURRAY  MATILDA BLAIR or THOMAS MORROW & MATILDA BLAIR in order for search engines to find the posting. Try and make the New Post Heading exactly in this format in order for other family members searching for your couple, to easily locate them in a 'Google Search' etc.

 ie: Susan's family who were our Murrays who emigrated to America 1780 circa from Selkirk and whose name morphed to Morrow- via Thomas Morrow Murray - Tailor born 1798 in Pennsylvania who married Matilda Blair...had many children in Ohio & Pennsylvania USA including Doctor Lafayette Blair Morrow.  These folk match our yDNA family exactly= 67/67 markers. Please see DNA Blog regarding this.

Meanwhile, if you have the time please test out the blog by either creating a new posting regarding your family if they are not already mentioned here, most are by the way, or otherwise adding a comment on the bottom of an already existing post.  You might like to just copy and paste old emails to kin into the comments rather than re-inventing the wheel, (saves so much time).

Don't forget to email your Murray-Morrow contacts once you have done this to let them know you would like some feedback.
Och the noo
