Monday, May 14, 2012



My name is Alexandrina Murray, and I have created this blog specifically for descendants of the Scottish Murray Families from the Border towns and Shires of Selkirk; Roberton; Lilliesleaf; Stow; Melrose; Bowden; Eildon; Galashiels;Yarrow; Ettrick; Innerleithen Pebbles; Ancrum; Roxburgh; Kelso; Ladhope; Jedburgh and surrounding districts.

If your Murray kin were originally from Selkirkshire, Roxburghshire or Peebleshire, please join our online community. We would love to hear from you.

Family members of 'Our Murrays' were known to have left Scotland to live in Australia, Canada and the United States of America as well as the Kiwi country of New Zealand. As we all endeavour to rejoin the 'silver thread of kinship' that binds us all, it is my hope that the lives of those foundation Border Murrays families will take on new meaning for all of us, as well as for our own descendants.

We may learn more about ourselves by studying their particular circumstances, and also perhaps come to realise the reasons that many of them originally left their beloved Border homeland. Some of us may be reunited with our direct/indirect relatives and correspond with many new and interesting people with lots of intriguing stories to share. Our Blogs will expand from families who were located in specific areas.

ie: Stow Selkirkshire Murrays-

William Murray & Christian Pringle of Ferniehurst Stow & Lauder & Channelkirk

John Murray of Ferniehurst and his wife Alison Thomson, and second wife Elizabeth Isabel Watherston, son of the above William Murray & Christian Pringle.

John Murray of Laidlawstiel Stow & his wife Janet Lauder of Selkirk.

ie: Selkirk Murrays- James Murray and Elizabeth Hall from Selkirk.

Their children Alexander Buchan Murray b.1818 and wife Agnes Wylie; also known as Nancy Wylie- also his brother:

John Murray and his wife Helen Moffat, their children including:

William Murray and wife Elizabeth Lees, and onto their son:

John William Murray and his wife Alexandrina MacInnes who emigrated from Scotland to Australia in 1926. Also their 2nd son:

Thomas Lees Murray and his wife Elizabeth  who remained in Scotland and settled in Glasgow and have a very large family still residing in Scotland.

Also researching: The Murray family of Philiphaugh in Selkirk related to above-

Looking for descendants of:
James Murray and Elizabeth Hislope- Selkirk 1790's- Stockingmaker Burgess
James Murray and Elizabeth Anderson- Selkirk 1750's - Tailor Burgess
Andrew Murray and Anna Carmichael- Canongate Edinburgh 1720's - Tailor Burgess
All Murrays of Traquair and Innerleithen; Eddleston; Newlands in Peeblesshire.

Also matching exactly yDNA 67/67 are the Morrow family of USA whose name morphed from Murray to Morrow late 1700's in Pennsylvania; Ohio; Maryland; Indianna and Minnesota. Relationships have been found with Adam Murray hero and Defender of Londonderry Ulster 1680 circa whose descendants emigrated to Pennsylvania 1740 circa.Susan Morrow Smeltzer and brother Beau Morrow are researching their direct ancestors who emigrated to America circa 1770-1790: herewith

We have Thomas Morrow (Murray) Tailor of  Clear Creek County Ohio who married Matilda C Blair and secondly Cynthia Burnside. Hisr son to Matilda is Dr Lafayette Blair Morrow who matches our Scottish Murrays 67/67 on yDNA testing= exact match.

Also related are William Morrow who married Barbara Ann Zantzinger and David Morrow who married Mary Fleming and Mary McLean -Mary Mecklin , also pronounced Mecklin in America at that time.

Eventually each family line will have their own Blog. If you would like to add your family here- please create a NEW post (accessed from very top of the page on right hand side; placing their names into the header along with their place of residence.

Other Murray family researchers will hopefully join in the conversations and provide very valuable information on their direct ancestors. ie: John Murray of Jedburgh is researching his direct relatives Robert Murray and Helen Leithhead + their children including Robert Murray and wife Christian Lockie residing in Sunderland Hall in Selkirk 1850's.

Irene Thoroughgood also of Scotland is researching her direct line from John Murray of Peebles and his wife Elizabeth Laidlaw +their children including Walter Murray and Younger Kerr of Sunderland Hall West Lodge in Selkirk in 1840's. See

Georgia Clement of Queensland Australia is researching her direct relatives and families descended from David Murray and  second wife Agnes Gray of Melrose and Bowden and Eildon. Also their relatives David Murray and Christian Buchan of Bowden.

Larry Murray along with Randy  Montgomery ; Cheryl and Larry Murray; Donald and Delane Jacques- of USA are all researching the above David and his first wife Elspeth Harvie (Elizabeth Harvey) through their grandson John Murray of Galashiels who went to America-Utah in the 1830's.

James Irvine Murray of England is researching his Murray family of Cockpool  [Dumfriesshire]-related to the Murray family of Philiphaugh whose yDNA results matched our own Murray family of Philiphaugh and Traquair.


Other families researched here are:

William Murray (Shepherd) born 1775 circa Channelkirk Berwickshire and his wife Elizabeth Mitchell=
Researchers- Cameron Murray and Todd Murray of Canada and also William Bill Murray of Australia.

We also have Carole Murray Williams of Pennsylvania researching Thomas Murray and Janet Chancellor of Borelands by Eddleston in Peeblesshire; James Murray and Janet Scougal of Traquair;  James Murray and Anne Riddell of Roberton in Selkirkshire; and Thomas Murray and Madeleine Scott Young of Penicuik.


I have researched most of the families from this area, especially those from Traquair, Eddleston, Newlands, Selkirk, Melrose and Bowden. Many are in my data base along with their never know,,,yours might be there too!

So let us begin....Just who is it that YOU are descended from?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

David Murray & Elspeth Harvie-Agnes Gray


What is a "common"? 

A Common is a central area of green fields in a the centre or periphery of a village  where crops would be planted or stock would graze. The area was not owned by any individual but was a communal area for the benefit of those properties surrounding. This land could not be owned by the State etc. Village Greens etc served a similar purpose as well.

Bowden still has it's common today as does ST Boswells and many other areas in UK. Quite detailed history available regarding Commons- If you want more info I shall send it on.

What is a Kirk"?

  A Kirk is the Scottish name for Church.
How do you pronounce the name "Buchan"?
 Byoo can..sometimes Buck ann.
What would Tranquair mean or stand for?  
The name Traquair comes from  tret or tre a word of Celtic origin meaning a dwelling place or hamlet, and from quair meaning a stream with a winding course, = the house situated by the winding stream.

See here:

I guess I could Google it, but growing up in the USA it is hard to get a handle on some of the names.
That's OK Randy, I'm the same with American names.. I shall paste these questions and answers into the blog in case someone else has same questions.
 Cheers Sandie

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Here is the link to the Murray family blog. I can only forward blog notifications to 10 email addresses and I have many more folk than this on my list , so could you forward relevant blog links to any Murray- Morrow kin that you are in contact with in case they would also like to add content.

Please test the blog settings if you have time.
Randy..I have fiddled with the posting/comment settings and you should now see the image verification icon.I had switched that off in order to make posting easier for everyone , however maybe that won't work. Try again to post and see what happens. It will take a short while for comments or posts to appear online though, as they will be forwarded for moderation. I had switched that item off as well however will await your comments as a group prior to reverting to the deadly possibility of s*p*a*m*

Don't forget to click FOLLOW this blog in order to receive all of the updates. Currently only JohnMurray of Jedburgh in the Borders is following the blog. Click the link in the left hand bar : FOLLOW. I would like permission to paste old relevant emails that I have had from each of you regarding your families , into the blog. It will certainly save me a lot of typing and additional work. When you receive verification that I have done that, you will be able to edit etc. Please let me know either way, they can be deleted if you believe they are not suitable.

Don't forget that comments can be made after each and every posting, just click the word COMMENT.
You are also able to add a NEW POSTING of your own...just click the link- NEW POST at the top of the page. 

ie: THOMAS MURRAY  MATILDA BLAIR or THOMAS MORROW & MATILDA BLAIR in order for search engines to find the posting. Try and make the New Post Heading exactly in this format in order for other family members searching for your couple, to easily locate them in a 'Google Search' etc.

 ie: Susan's family who were our Murrays who emigrated to America 1780 circa from Selkirk and whose name morphed to Morrow- via Thomas Morrow Murray - Tailor born 1798 in Pennsylvania who married Matilda Blair...had many children in Ohio & Pennsylvania USA including Doctor Lafayette Blair Morrow.  These folk match our yDNA family exactly= 67/67 markers. Please see DNA Blog regarding this.

Meanwhile, if you have the time please test out the blog by either creating a new posting regarding your family if they are not already mentioned here, most are by the way, or otherwise adding a comment on the bottom of an already existing post.  You might like to just copy and paste old emails to kin into the comments rather than re-inventing the wheel, (saves so much time).

Don't forget to email your Murray-Morrow contacts once you have done this to let them know you would like some feedback.
Och the noo


Sunday, May 10, 2009


These are the Bear Gates at Traquair House where many of our Murrays originated. They were closed and bolted by the Stewart Laird after the Jacobite uprisings (1715- 1746) and remain bolted to this day. They will be opened again it is said- when a descendant of the Royal House of Stewart (Stuart) is again on the throne.  So... Princes' William & Harry are the most likely candidates- Some might live to see that day. If so it might be worth a visit (from our Aussie & American Murray Kin) to Traquair, which is the oldest imhabited house in Scotland (same family- The Stewarts) Google search + Murray will give you a background.

Many of our latter day Murrays were also baptised at Traquair Kirk.....this family here are one of those.

Thomas Murray & Janet Chancelor:
Associated families-

James Murray and Ann Riddell of Roberton Selkirkshire

Thomas Murray and Janet Chancellor Janet Chancelor of Boreland or Borland Farm Innerleithen or Eddleston - Newlands Parishes Peeble Shire Scotland.

James Murray and Janet Scougal of Bowden and Trquair- also later Penicuik Midlothian .

Thomas Murray and Madelina Scott Young of Galashiels Imnnerleithen and Channelkirk Berwickshire.

James Murray b 1847 Glasgow & Ann Riches both died in New South Wales Australia.

This is Traquair House....where some of our Murrays once lived.

Sunday, February 01, 2009


Welcome to all Murray Clan family members.
Photo in Selkirk of the Common Riding pipers.

My name is Alexandrina Murray, and I have created this blog specifically for descendants of the Scottish Murray Families from the Border towns and Shires of Selkirk: Roberton: Lilliesleaf: Stow: Melrose: Bowden: Eildon: Galashiels:Yarrow: Ettrick: Innerleithen Pebbles: Ancrum: Roxburgh: Kelso: Ladhope: Jedburgh and surrounding districts.

If your Murray kin were originally from Selkirkshire, Roxburghshire or Peebleshire, please join our online community. We would love to hear from you.

Family members of 'Our Murrays' were known to have left Scotland to live in Australia, Canada and the United States of America as well as the Kiwi country of New Zealand.

As we all endeavour to rejoin the 'silver thread of kinship' that binds us all, it is my hope that the lives of those foundation Border Murrays families will take on new meaning for all of us, as well as for our own descendants.

We may learn more about ourselves by studying their particular circumstances, and also perhaps come to realise the reasons that many of them originally left their beloved Border homeland. Some of us may be reunited with our direct/indirect relatives and correspond with many new and interesting people with lots of intriguing stories to share.

Our Blogs will expand from families who were located in specific areas.

ie: James Murray and Elizabeth Hall from Selkirk, their children Alexander Buchan Murray and wife Agnes Wylie, also John Murray and his wife Helen Moffat, their children including William Murray and wife Elizabeth Lees.

Eventually each family line will have their own Blog.

Other Murray family researchers will join in the conversations and provide very valuable information on their direct ancestors also. ie:

CAmeron Murray of Canada and William Bill Murray of Australia are reasearch William Murray born 1777 circa and wife Elizabeth Mitchell of Thornilees in Innerleithen.

John Robert Murray of Jedburgh is researching his direct relatives Robert Murray and Helen Leithhead + their children including Robert Murray and wife Christian Lockie residing in Sunderland Hall in Selkirk 1850's.

Irene Thoroughgood also of Scotland is researching her direct line from John Murray of Peebles and his wife Elizabeth Laidlaw +their children including Walter Murray and Younger Kerr of Sunderland Hall West Lodge in Selkirk in 1840's.

Georgia Clement of Queensland Australia is researching her direct relatives and families descended from David Murray and Agnes Gray of Melrose and Bowden and Eildon. Also their relatives David Murray and Christian Buchan of Bowden.

I have researched most of the families from this area, especially those from Selkirk, Melrose and Bowden. Many are in my data base along with their never know,,,yours might be there too!

So let us begin....Just who is it that YOU are descended from?


John Murray b1822 & Helen Moffat b1816 of Selkirk
Son of James Murray b1798 and Elizabeth Hall b1796 of Selkirk.
John Murray was born in 1822 in Selkirk Scotland.

He was a Woollen Dyer of Selkirk & son of James Murray- born 1798 an Inkleweaver in 1817 in Selkirk, and Elizabeth Hall. John Murray was also a brother of Alexander Buchan Murray.

John married Helen Moffat who was born in Williamlees Melrose: a farm & Estate of 3,000 acres owned & tenanted by the Murray family of Melrose. Helen's parents were William Moffat (a Shepherd) at Williamlees and Helen Rintoul daughter of William Rintoul a stonemason of Temple and Roslyn in Midlothian.

John Murray & Helen Moffat had four children that we know of, and Helen had one daughter from a previous marriage named Helen Rathie born 1844.

The children of John Murray Woollen Dyer of Selkirk Scotland and Helen Moffat of Melrose and Innerleithen were:

1.James Murray born 1851 in April in Innerleithen Peebles Shire.
James married Christian Stewart of Yarrowford.
Descendants of this family are still living in Selkirk as far as we know.
See more about this family in another posting.

James was also working in the Woollen Tweed industry in Selkirk.
See more about this family in another posting.

2.Jane Murray born 1853 in Selkirk Selkirk Shire
Jane's occupation was also within the Tweed Manufacturing industry.
Jane married Joseph Cockburn of Selkirk in 1882 and had children.
See more about this family in another posting.

3.William Murray born 1855 in Selkirk Selkirk Shire (our ancestor)
William's occupation was Woollen Mill Manager & Tweed Finisher earlier.

William married Elizabeth Lees of Selkirk and they had 5 children before she died aged 24 years at Tillicoultry in Clackmannanshire.

William Murray then married Marion Barnard (Marion Bernard)of Tillicoultry and had a further 5 children. William was transferred to Ireland after 1890 circa to Manage a Tweed Woollen Mill in County Kerry & Cork however the family returned to Glasgow in Scotland to live after World War 1.
See more about this family in another posting.

Our family is descended from this William. His son John William Murray was born in 1881 and married Alexandrina Macinnes of Falkirk and Skye in Glasgow Scotland in 1911.

John William Murray and Alexandrina MacInnes immigrated to Sydney Australia in 1926 with their young children: William Murray, Mary Murray, Elizabeth Lees Murray.

John William Murray at age 19 was listed as a 'Locomotive Engineer in the 1901 Scottish Census. He was living in Glasgow with his younger brother Thomas Lees Murray. John was a Engineer also working for Dalgetty & Co in Glasgow 1920 circa and also during WW1 John Murray designed rudders etc for early prototype submarines. See more about this family in another posting.

4.John Murray born 1859 in Selkirk Selkirkshire
His occupation was 'Police Officer' or 'Police Constable'

John Murray married Margaret Neil Sword (Margaret Sword) of Selkirk and they had a daughter named Agnes in Scotland prior to immigrating to Australia 1880 circa after which they had a large brood of children in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales where John was a Police Sergeant and at Kogarah Bay in Sydney where they lived.
See more about this family in another posting.

If you wish to comment please do so here or on the individual postings to be provided for each family above.
Posted by ALEXANDRINA MURRAY at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Direct Family


William Murray was born in 1777 circa~ supposedly at Channelkirk in Berwickshire. William was a Shepherd of Thornilees by Innerleithen in Peebles Shire/Selkirkshire and Williamlees Estate in Melrose. Both of these very large estate farming communities were 1,500- 3,000 acres by 1841 circa.

Approximately 15-20 years ago I was contacted by William Bill Murray of South Australia regarding a possible connection between our families. At the time I could not see one, however I researched Bill's family in any case re the possibility of a connection. I found most of William & Elizabeth's children once I had obtained census records in 1841-1851 and worked backwards as I don't think that any of their children had been registered in the parish records as they were seemingly members of the breakaway free kirks of George Lawson ~ Associated Sessions possibly, and in a similar vein to our own Murrays had not registered any children in the Established Presbyterian Kirk parish records prior to 1855.

After many many years, to my great surprise I found William Murray living at the same house as my own family of Murrays and Moffats at Thornilees Estate at Innerleithen. William Moffat our 5X grandfather was also a Shepherd at Thornilees and previously Williamlees~ Williamlaw @ Melrose (owned by Murray family of Melrose). Both William Murray and William Moffat were at the same household in Thornilees and together at Thornilees for the both census in 1841 and 1851. William Moffat had in fact been at Williamlees when his daughter Helen Moffat was born in 1816.

By 1851 Helen Moffat had married our John Murray born in 1822 @ Selkirk. Their son James Murray who married Christian Stewart was born just prior to the time of the census and was listed as a baby to Helen Moffat wife of John Murray in 1851; William Murray was listed as a Widower as his wife Elizabeth Mitchell was deceased by then.

Cameron Murray of Canada contacted me over the past 12 months and we exchanged information on this family. Finally after losing contact with Bill Murray for 15 years we finally re-established contact in January 2009 with Bill thankfully, and can now move forward with our research.

A large number of researchers are now connected to Cameron Murray of Canada and William Murray of Australia , via email, in order to research this family.
Please leave all comments regarding this family hereunder via the comments link so that we can keep all relatives together with the information that they provide.

Children of William Murray of Thorniles Innerleithen and Elizabeth Mitchell of Stow are as follows:

William Murray born 1803 married Elizabeth Coldcleugh of Melrose.
Elizabeth Murray b.1807 married Robert Lowrie of Williamlees Melrose
Robert Murray b.1810 married Janet Anderson
George Murray 1813 married Agnes Younger of Tillicoultry.
James Murray 1818 married Margaret Dickson of Craiglatch Stow
Janet Jessie Murray 1822 married Mark Gray of Selkirk

Don't forget: Please leave all comments regarding this family hereunder via the comments link so that we can keep all relatives together with the information that they provide.

John Murray & Helen Moffat of Selkirk

Son of James Murray and Elizabeth Hall.
John Murray was born in 1822 in Selkirk Scotland.

He was a Woollen Dyer of Selkirk & son of James Murray- born 1798 an Inkleweaver in 1817 in Selkirk, and Elizabeth Hall. John Murray was also a brother of Alexander Buchan Murray.

John married Helen Moffat who was born in Williamlees Melrose: a farm & Estate of 3,000 acres owned & tenanted by the Murray family of Melrose. Helen's parents were William Moffat (a Shepherd) at Williamlees and Helen Rintoul daughter of William Rintoul a stonemason of Temple and Roslyn in Midlothian.

John Murray & Helen Moffat had four children that we know of, and Helen had one daughter from a previous marriage named Helen Rathie born 1844.

The children of John Murray Woollen Dyer of Selkirk Scotland and Helen Moffat of Melrose and Innerleithen were:

1.James Murray born 1851 in April in Innerleithen Peebles Shire.
James married Christian Stewart of Yarrowford.
Descendants of this family are still living in Selkirk as far as we know.
See more about this family in another posting.

James was also working in the Woollen Tweed industry in Selkirk.
See more about this family in another posting.

2.Jane Murray born 1853 in Selkirk Selkirk Shire
Jane's occupation was also within the Tweed Manufacturing industry.
Jane married Joseph Cockburn of Selkirk in 1882 and had children.
See more about this family in another posting.

3.William Murray born 1855 in Selkirk Selkirk Shire (our ancestor)
William's occupation was Woollen Mill Manager & Tweed Finisher earlier.

William married Elizabeth Lees of Selkirk and they had 5 children before she died aged 24 years at Tillicoultry in Clackmannanshire.

William Murray then married Marion Barnard (Marion Bernard)of Tillicoultry and had a further 5 children. William was transferred to Ireland after 1890 circa to Manage a Tweed Woollen Mill in County Kerry & Cork however the family returned to Glasgow in Scotland to live after World War 1.
See more about this family in another posting.

Our family is descended from this William. His son John William Murray was born in 1881 and married Alexandrina Macinnes of Falkirk and Skye in Glasgow Scotland in 1911.

John William Murray and Alexandrina MacInnes immigrated to Sydney Australia in 1926 with their young children: William Murray, Mary Murray, Elizabeth Lees Murray.

John William Murray at age 19 was listed as a 'Locomotive Engineer in the 1901 Scottish Census. He was living in Glasgow with his younger brother Thomas Lees Murray. John was a Engineer also working for Dalgetty & Co in Glasgow 1920 circa and also during WW1 John Murray designed rudders etc for early prototype submarines. See more about this family in another posting.

4.John Murray born 1859 in Selkirk Selkirkshire
His occupation was 'Police Officer' or 'Police Constable'

John Murray married Margaret Neil Sword (Margaret Sword) of Selkirk and they had a daughter named Agnes in Scotland prior to immigrating to Australia 1880 circa after which they had a large brood of children in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales where John was a Police Sergeant and at Kogarah Bay in Sydney where they lived.
See more about this family in another posting.

If you wish to comment please do so here or on the individual postings to be provided for each family above.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

David Murray and Elspeth Harvie

David Murray was born in 1722 I believe in Traquair nearby to Innerleithen in the Scottish borders. He married firstly to Elspeth Harvie or Elizabeth Harvey in Melrose Selkirkshire, and secondly to Agnes Grey. His son David Murray was the ancestor of a very large group of Murrays from Utah in the USA via Davids son John Murray and his Irish wife Sarah Bates who settled in the USA.

This David was thought to have been a possible relation of our James Murray born 1797-1798 in Selkirk via his David.s son John Murray born 1766 circa in Melrose (also of Selkirk).

David Murray Senior was the owner of the Gala Bridge Inn in Ladhope Galashiels by Melrose and he is buried in the cemetery there beside his second wife Agnes Gray. This time last year July-Aug 2009 I visited their gravesite at Galashiels and took many photos, some of these will be posted here shortly. Further details regarding this family tree will be available shortly via a link from this blog. This David had a very large family including David Murray who married Christian Buchan- he was a Farmer of Eildon and Newhall. This David the Grandfather of John Murray of LDS fame who emigrated to America as a Soldier & married Sarah Bates.It is this clan who are the progenitors of an enormous Murray family in the USA today. Another branch of the family migrated to Canada and Australia through David Senior's 2nd wife Agnes Gray.

Researchers of this family include Georgia Clements of Australa, Todd Murray of USA, Larry Murray of USA x1; Larry Murray & Cheryl also of USA x2; Randy Montgomery USA; Delene and Donald of USA; and many many others.

I will be adding details of this family hereunder shortly so please comment by clicking the link under if you are related to Elspeth and David Murray.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Family Tree DNA

We have recently celebrated the 94th birthday of my father, William J. Murray, who was born in Glasgow Scotland in the Mary Hill district of Kelvin Grove. Sadly at the same time after a serious fall necessitating X-Rays and CAT scan, serious lung damage was diagnosed. After much discussion and liaison with Murray family members from various countries he has decided to participate in the Murray family DNA project accessed via the Family Tree DNA website .

Other male Murrays with ancestors from the Borders district have already participated, and I will expand on this further in discussion links hereunder. The process isn't at all difficult apart from the scraping of inside of the cheek episodes (3) in total, which are a wee bit annoying for an elderly participant. The company will send you a kit (Dad's pack arrived within a week from the USA to Australia), and the 3 samples are collected over a period of time with 3-4 hour intervals in order to ensure at least one viable sample.

William Murray is the only son of John William Murray 1881-1951 of Sydney Australia previously Glasgow and Selkirk Scotland, he is the grand son of William Murray born 1855 in Selkirk died 1930's Glasgow, son of John Murray 1823-1864 born and died in Selkirk son of James Murray born 1798 in Selkirk died 1854 in Selkirk.

By ordering the DNA kit within the Murray family web site on the above site a discount is guaranteed and importantly, by request the site will link you to everyone who has the same common ancestor as the person submitting the sample in future (Males only!) The site notifies you if you are matched with any other donor. This is an enormous leap forward for ancestor research and I shall elaborate further as to why I believe this to be so, in my next post!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Alexander Buchan Murray and Agnes Wylie

Alexander Buchan Murray was born in Selkirk 1818 circa. He was the son of James Murray and Elizabeth Hall. Alexander Buchan Murray and Agnes Wylie were married in Selkirk in 1846 and had the following children:

F i Christian Cairns Wylie MURRAY was born in 1842 in Selkirk Selkirkshire Scotland. She was christened in 1847 in Oxnam Roxburghshire Scotland. She was related to her father as his Step Daughter.

M ii James MURRAY 1844 circa
M iii Alexander Buchan MURRAY was born in 1849 in Selkirk Selkirkshire Scotland.
F iv Elizabeth Hall MURRAY 1850 circa
M v William Wylie MURRAY was born in 1854 in Selkirk Selkirkshire Scotland.
F vi Agnes Wylie MURRAY was born in 1856 in Selkirk Selkirkshire Scotland.
M vii Thomas MURRAY was born in 1858 in Selkirk Selkirkshire Scotland.
F viii Catherine MURRAY was born in 1861 in Selkirk
M ix John MURRAY was born in 1864 in Selkirk Selkirkshire Scotland.

Alexander and his family were members of the United Presbyterian Session of Reverend Lawson of Selkirk therefore the birth entries prior to 1855 do not appear in the parish records.

All marriages known to date for the children of Alexander Buchan Murray and his wife Agnes Wylie ( also known as Nancy Wylie) can be found on the following webpage which will be updated shortly.

This gedcom is also on World Connect Rootsweb at The data is under the name murrays

Alexander Buchan Murray was an Estate Worker at Philliphaugh Estate in Selkirk. It is believed that he was in the Army following in the footsteps of his Father and brothers. Possibly the 60th Regiment of Foot. It is believed that he was injured in Combat. Alexander was very proud of his middle name of Buchan and he insisted on it being recorded at all times in conjunction with his first name, on all official documents.

Alexander Buchan Murray appears to be related to David Murray and Christian Buchan of Bowden Melrose area. Buchan is a very unusual name to find in the Scottish Borders and most of the Buchan's at that time in the area were related. Alexander Buchan , a faamous Scottish Surgeon who wrote the first Medical Text Book was from this area -Ancrum. His Grandparents had fled to Holland during the Covenanting persecutions.

Death Certificates are available for this couple plus census records for 1851 1861 1871 1881
and also available are the marriage details of their children as well as birth details for their Grandchildren.

Robert Murray & Helen Leithead

John Murray of Jedburgh in Scotland is researching his family who are descended from the above couple who had approximately 8 children in Sunderland Selkirk during the period 1798-1820.

If you are related to this family then please leave your comments here.

Robert Murray and Christian Lockie and relatives of Selkirk are also directly related to Robert Murray and Helen Leithhead.

Robert Murray was born in 1760 circa in Selkirk, his parents are believed to be Walter Murray and Margaret Ingles of Helmburn which was part of the Philliphaugh or Hangingshaw estate.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

James Murray & Elizabeth Hall

Descendants of James Murray and Elizabeth Hall who were married in Selkirk Scotland in 1817 will be inserted in this blog. If you are descended from this couple please leave all comments here.

Children of this couple were known to be.

1. Alexander Buchan Murray born 1818 circa in Selkirk. Alexander married Agnes Wylie (Nancy Wylie of Peebleshire, and they had approx 8 children including a son also named after his father, Alexander Buchan Murray.

2, John Murray born 1822 in Selkirk. John married Helen Moffat of Innerleithen, born in Melrose in 1816. This couple had 6 children.

Alexander Buchan Murray of Selkirk worked as an Estate Worker at Philliphaugh Estate.